small coffee bean plant imagesmall lavender stems


A SpARKLING probiotic coffee

Made with Love in New Orleans


Coffee, Redefinded

Daydream Koffucha is a lightly fermented cold brewed coffee that awakens the possibilities of what coffee could and should be. Daydream was born out of a desire to create a coffee drinking experience that wouldn’t leave you feeling wired, jittery, or anxious. In fermenting the coffee, a whole new world of possibilities was unlocked. Not just in the functionality of the coffee, but also in its’ taste.

The Champagne of Coffee

Koffucha is sort of like a distant cousin of traditionally brewed coffee. At its’ core it still retains coffee notes and aromas, but through fermentation a new layer of complexity and sophistication is added opening up a new world of possibilities. It’s light and bubbly, with a depth of flavor that allows for some of the more subtle flavor profiles of the coffee bean to shine through. It’s then paired with complementary flavors using only the highest quality cold pressed juice. Daydream Koffucha truly is the champagne of coffee.

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